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Diane Disney Miller

Elder and only biological child of walt disney and his wife, lillian bounds disney.

Born December 18th, 1933 in Los Angeles.

Died November 19th, 2013 at 79 years old in Napa (cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]

patron of the arts, philanthropist, wine merchant, writer

Diane Disney Miller, (nee Diane Marie Disney, September 18, 1933 – November 19, 2013) died peacefully in her Napa Valley, California home on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at the age of 79. Daughter of Walt Disney, Diane Miller devoted her life to promoting, cherishing and protecting the legacy of her father’s work. She was also a philanthropist and served on the board of directors at The Walt Disney Company. As a child, she was the inspiration for the acclaimed featurette, “The Story of Donald Duck” and viewed the first reels of what would become “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” with her father. In 1955, Diane married Ron Miller, who went on to become president and CEO of The Walt Disney Company. Together, they had seven children; Christopher, Joanna, Tamara, Jennifer, Walter Elias, Ronald and Patrick. Miller was an advocate for the arts in California, a contributing member to the Walt Disney Family Foundation, benefactor to CalArts, and founder of The Walt Disney Birthplace in Chicago. In her memory, please donate to the Walt Disney Family Foundation.

Life is hard. After all, it kills you. Katharine Hepburn