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American professional wrestler (1964-2007).
Born April 14th, 1964 in Kailua.
Died August 13th, 2007 at 43 years old in Tampa (drug overdose). [ref]
Brian Adams, 43, of [insert city], died on August 13, 2007. He was born and raised in [insert city], attending [high school] and later [college]. Brian was an adventurous spirit who loved exploring the outdoors, especially hiking and fishing in [nearby locations]. Professionally, Brian was a respected [insert his occupation], and he was admired by colleagues and employees for his dedication and leadership. He was an active member of the [local church], and a supportive member of the [local community]. Brian will be remembered and cherished by his loving family, which includes his [spouse], [children], [siblings], and extended family. A peaceful and free spirit, he will be greatly missed.
To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. J.K. Rowling