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Hungarian composer and pianist.
Born March 25th, 1881 in Sânnicolau Mare. [ref]
Died September 26th, 1945 at 64 years old in New York City (leukemia). [ref]
Musical genius and composer Béla Bartók passed away on September 26, 1945 at the age of 64. Béla Bartók, of Hungary, had a far-reaching impact on the scope of music in the Western world from the early 20th century until his death. Bartók composed some of the most influential classical music of the 20th century, including six string quartets, six concertos, two piano concertos, and operas. He combined Hungarian and other folk music traditions with modern musical techniques, experimenting with form and developing a unique style which influenced a generation of younger composers across multiple musical genres. Bartók's work was applauded in his lifetime, and has since been celebrated worldwide as a cornerstone of modern classical music. Béla Bartók will be remembered as a world-renowned innovator of classical music. His mark on modern music is truly indelible.
It is the fate — the genetic and neural fate — of every human being to be a unique individual, to find his own path, to live his own life, to die his own death. Oliver Sacks