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Antonio Luna

Filipino pharmacist, propagandist and general (1866-1899).

Born October 29th, 1866 in San Nicolas.

Died June 5th, 1899 at 32 years old in Cabanatuan (assassination).

military officer, pharmacist, scientist

Antonio Luna, illustrious and respected Filipino general, passed away on June 5, 1899, at the young age of 32. He was born in the town of Binondo, in the Spanish colony of the Philippine Islands, on October 29, 1866. General Antonio Luna was among the first generals of the Philippine Revolution, and played a prominent role in the Philippine Republic. He was a figure of great historic importance and had a tremendous impact on the Philippine Revolution. The Filipinos, as a result, placed great stock in his sacrifice, nobility, bravery, and self-sacrifice. Before his untimely death in 1899, he served as the Chief of War Operations during the Spanish-American War. He was recognized for being a brave and brilliant military strategists, instilling discipline among troops, and even giving his life to ensure the Philippine Republic was safe from Spanish tyranny. He was known for his boundless courage, and for never backing down from a challenge. His legacy will never be forgotten, and he will be remembered as an exemplary leader and brave hero. He will always be remembered and honored by the Philippine people.

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough. William Saroyan