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Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi

Islamic scholar, jurist, theologian, ascetic, sufi, urdu poet, and reformer of 19th century ce.

Born June 14th, 1856 in Bareilly. [ref]

Died October 28th, 1921 at 65 years old in Bareilly.

Naat Khawan, author, mathematician, muhaddith, poet, translator, writer

Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi, an Indian Islamic scholar and founder of the Barelvi movement, passed away at the age of 65 on October 28th, 1921. He was renowned for his writings on Islam and preaching missions throughout the country. He had a deep knowledge of the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence, which led him on a mission to reform Hindu-Muslim relations and provide spiritual guidance through his writings and teachings. During his lifetime, he wrote prolifically, including more than 300 works on subjects such as Islamic jurisprudence, philosophy, and mysticism. He established followers who went on to form the Barelvi movement, a peace-seeking and nonviolent Muslim reform organization. Through his followers, his teachings were spread throughout the Indian subcontinent. He was a great inspiration to many people and will be fondly remembered for his teachings and legacy.

Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go. Jean de La Fontaine