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Ahmad Shah Massoud

Afghan military leader (1953-2001).

Born September 2nd, 1953 in Bazarak.

Died September 9th, 2001 at 48 years old in Takhar. [ref]

military leader, politician

Ahmad Shah Massoud, an Afghan freedom fighter, died on September 9, 2001 at the age of 48. Born on September 2, 1953 in Jangalak, Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan, Massoud was a renowned anti-Taliban military commander in the fight to drive Taliban forces out of his homeland. He was also a leader who inspired the struggle for freedom among Afghans and citizens of neighboring countries and earned the admiration of people throughout the world. Massoud was the son of Dost Mohammad Khan, an ethnic Tajik who had served as prime minister during the mid-70s. He earned a degree in engineering from Kabul University and later studied Islamic law and theology at the university's Faculty of Theology. In the early 1990s, Massoud became commander of anti-Taliban forces in the northern regions of Afghanistan and developed a successful strategy to resist and repel Taliban forces. He was also credited with authoring and implementing a new vision of democracy for Afghanistan and is remembered for his legendary courage and commitment to the nation. Massoud's courage, spirit, and determination to fight for the freedom of his homeland will be remembered forever. His legacy lives on through his beloved Afghan people who are determined to continue his mission in rebuilding a peaceful and prosperous country.

You needn’t die happy when your time comes, but you must die satisfied, for you have lived your life from the beginning to the end. Stephen King